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A Snapshot of Oregon Wheat Commission Members

We are pleased to highlight the leadership of the Oregon Wheat Commission and Oregon Wheat Growers League. Throughout the year, we will post profile stories to highlight individual's background, their farm, and the difference they are making in moving the wheat industry forward in Oregon. We are proud of all our Commission and Board members and the work they do to steward their land and improve their crop every year.

PNW Commissions Statement on APHIS Approval

August 27, 2024- The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced today its decision to deregulate the drought-tolerant HB4® trait in wheat. The wheat commissions of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, representing Pacific Northwest (PNW) wheat producers, provided the following statement to address some of the questions that may arise from this announcement, especially from our valued customers around the world:

“The PNW wheat industry supports and encourages new technologies that increase producer profitability and will help feed the growing world population. At the same time, we remain committed to providing our customers with the quality and reliability they have come to expect from PNW wheat.

“It is important to understand that the APHIS approval process is different than commercialization. This announcement provides a pathway to future commercialization of the HB4® trait in wheat in the United States, however the scientific process is lengthy, and it is unlikely that the trait will be commercially grown or available for at least three to five years. We can still confidently say that no genetically modified (GM) wheat is currently being cultivated commercially in the United States.

“The PNW wheat industry has always been a global leader in wheat quality by focusing on the high standards for end-use characteristics driven by our export customers. PNW wheat breeding has been acutely focused on, and responsive to, the needs of our export markets. The region will continue to provide a reliable supply of high-quality grains and wheat foods that customers know and expect."

Read the full statement from the Commissions here.
Read the statement from US Wheat Associates here.

A Snapshot of Oregon Wheat Board Members

Continuing in 2024, Oregon Wheat Growers League will highlight a member of our board with a profile story about their background, their farm, and the difference they are making in moving the wheat industry forward in Oregon. We are proud of all our board members and the work they do to steward their land and improve their crop every year.

League Letter Submitted for the Record

January 29, 2024 - The League submitted a letter for the record for the House Energy and Commerce Committee Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Subcommittee hearing scheduled for January 30, 2024. The letter discusses the importance of the Columbia Snake River system for Oregon's wheat farmers.

2023 Board Profiles

League Annual Report Published

The annual report for FY 22-23 (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023) is now available.

Summary Baseline Report: Evaluation of Utilization

January 22, 2024 - The baseline report is a key component in evaluating the effectiveness of federal conservation programs in Oregon wheat systems and identifying opportunities for Oregon wheat producers to participate in these programs. The evaluation is conducted by the Oregon Wheat Growers League and is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Innovative Oregon wheat producers have been at the forefront of activities supporting the long-term sustainability of their agricultural lands. Effective utilization of NRCS conservation programs helps wheat producers further that work. This report assesses wheat growers' engagement with NRCS programs. It seeks to understand opportunities for new enhancements better matched to the environments in which wheat is grown. The assessment also seeks to identify obstacles to participation in federal conversation programs, focusing specifically on NRCS programs. The intent of establishing the baseline report is to define the current use of programs and recommend pathways to make NRCS programs more accessible to Oregon wheat growers to allow them to further their conservation efforts. Currently operating wheat producers in Oregon were the subject of the evaluation under this baseline report.

Million Tons of Wheat For Food Aid

January 9, 2023- Oregon Wheat joined with wheat industry partners to celebrate an important milestone: one million tons of U.S. wheat shipped for food aid purposes in calendar year 2022. The 1 millionth ton of soft white wheat was sourced from Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Oregon Wheat takes pride in joining farmers and industry leaders around the country in providing in-kind wheat food aid as a source of nutrition that supports those in need overseas and enhances our development programs. Read more from World Food Program on the millionth ton of wheat shipped in 2022 here.

Wheat Research Receives Congressional Support

December 23, 2022- Through federal Congressional support and League advocacy, the Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center in Pendleton will receive a much needed $700,000 allocation to complete facility maintenance projects. The funds are an important step in expanding the capabilities of the Center and will bring the current facility up to code with new safety requirements, fortifying the buildings for long-term continued use. “The economic sustainability of Pacific Northwest wheat production requires healthy research facilities. This investment to maintaining infrastructure and facilities at the Pendleton Research station provides critical support for USDA agriculture researchers who are working to enhance wheat productivity in low and intermediate rainfall zones,” said Amanda Hoey, Chief Executive Officer, Oregon Wheat Growers League. The Oregon Wheat League has been advocating for more substantial funding that will allow for the expansion of the facility to create space for more scientists and more research capabilities. That funding will build on federal funds that have been secured for the station in recent years, including a $2 million Resilient Dryland Farming annual appropriation, $1.5 million in soil health carbon funding and new funding for the Pacific NW Herbicide Weeds Initiative.

Farm Bill Priorities Issued by Wheat Growers

June 30, 2022- As Congress prepares for the next Farm Bill, the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) shared their 2023 Farm Bill priorities. The Oregon Wheat Growers League (OWGL) expresses appreciation for the national wheat priorities and the active engagement throughout the process to establish priorities that reflect our needs and provide an opportunity for advocacy with our Members of Congress. OWGL supports members throughout the state who depend on the Farm Bill programs to manage risk and provide a safety net for producers, ensure market access overseas, and offer incentives for conservation.

OWGL President Ben Maney stated that “The NAWG priorities closely align with Oregon wheat priorities to advocate for the needs of our producers.” As lawmakers continue to review the 2018 Farm Bill and start crafting the next Farm Bill, wheat growers will be advocating for these priorities with lawmakers on Capitol Hill to develop programs that will help wheat growers manage risk, ensure conservation programs work on the farm and enhance U.S. trade that supports rural America. The priorities include:

  • Protecting crop insurance, to ensure growers have a strong and reliable safety net that provides assistance to wheat growers when needed in times of disaster.
  • Supporting the financial and technical assistance provided through voluntary conservation programs.
  • Increasing the reference price for wheat in Title I to cover the cost of production more accurately.
  • Enhancing USDA’s market access and development programs to enhance trade.

Continued funding for these programs in the upcoming Farm Bill is critical to maintaining the production of vital food crops, the productivity of our farmlands, and the continued flow of jobs, investment and tax revenues from our operations and supply chains. “From risk protection through crop insurance to enhancing market access, the Farm Bill provides essential support to wheat producers in Oregon,” stated Oregon Wheat Growers League President Ben Maney. “We are looking forward to working with our legislators on these priorities for the upcoming Farm Bill."

Newly Released BMP's Publication

Best Management Practices for Managing Herbicide Resistance, can be found here.

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