Preferred Wheat Varieties
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2025 Preferred Varieties

The Preferred Wheat Varieties brochure is produced by the Oregon, Washington and Idaho Wheat Commissions in an effort to provide quality data on varieties grown in the region.

Varieties are ranked statistically by quality groupings within each class based on end-use quality from grain, milling and product quality testing. Quality scores reflect a minimum of three years’ data in the genotype and environment (G&E) study conducted by the USDA/ARS Western Wheat Quality Lab (WWQL) in Pullman, WA.

The brochure represents the collaborative efforts of the Western Wheat Quality Lab, Washington State University, Oregon State University and the University of Idaho, along with the university cereal grains extension trial programs of the three states. Growers are encouraged to consult the Washington State Crop Improvement Association Seed Buying Guide and the various university variety testing programs for details on agronomic characteristics for varieties.

Varieties are listed by statistical quality

Varieties are listed by statistical quality rankings by class. When making a decision between varieties with similar agronomic characteristics and grain yield potential, choose the variety with the higher quality ranking. This will help to increase the overall quality and desirability of Pacific Northwest (PNW) wheat.

Most Desirable (MD)—These varieties generally have high test weights, appropriate protein content (kernel properties), and excellent milling and end-use properties.

Desirable (D)—The kernel, milling, and end-use qualities of these varieties range from good to very good. The quality attributes of these varieties are desirable in international trade.

Acceptable (A)—The kernel, milling, and end-use qualities of these varieties range from acceptable to good. Individual varieties may possess minor flaws. The quality attributes of these varieties are acceptable in international trade.

Least Desirable (LD)—These varieties have displayed low quality characteristics for this class of wheat. The intrinsic quality of PNW wheat will be improved if these varieties are not planted.

Unacceptable Except Customer-Specific Uses (UCS)— One or more critical flaws in quality are present in these varieties and will not make suitable products for this class of wheat. Production of these varieties should be targeted to specific end-uses and kept strictly segregated from general commercial channels.

These rankings are based on the results of the Genotype and Environment Study (G&E) quality testing conducted by the USDA Western Wheat Quality Laboratory, the Washington State University Wheat Quality Program, the University of Idaho Wheat Quality Laboratory, and the Oregon State University Cereal Quality Laboratory, including relevant breeding nurseries. End-use quality determinations were based on results from grain, milling and product quality tests. The quality scores presented reflect a minimum of three years’ data in the G&E study, using a reference variety for each class. The scores are reviewed yearly as new data becomes available, and are subject to change. Varieties not listed have not been tested or have less than three years of data.

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